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Jan 30, 2008

Published Jan 30, 2008


The Genealogy Gems News Blog: "Why should Lou Dobbs Care?". And be sure and vote on the new poll question:  How do you listen to the podcast?

Thanks to the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre    and DearMYRTLE  for their recent acknowledgements of The Socks To America Video. ...

Jan 20, 2008

Published Jan 20, 2008


iTunes:  If you are new to the podcast, be sure that you go back to the new Genealogy Gems subscription listing that you created in your podcast directory and click that GET ALL button.  Clicking the SUBSCRIBE button will only give you the most recent show and future shows.  By clicking...

Jan 6, 2008



Published Jan 6, 2008

We had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and my wish for you is that you and your family are happy and healthy. 

Sequence and Dutch Blitz:
It's is a fast-paced card game that I understand was created by Werner Ernst George Muller, a German immigrant from Bucks County,Pennsylvania. The game is...