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Sep 25, 2007

The First Genealogy Gems Videocast: The Socks to America.
(click POD icon at left or the mp4 file at end of this posting to view.
Please allow a few extra moments video file to load)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This is the documentary spoof (or should I say "sockumentary") video about the immigration of the fictitious Sockish-Americans.  Currently...

Sep 22, 2007

Published Sept 22, 2007



RE: WorldVitalRecords - is now part of

RE: Judy's email

Rootstelevision chose "The Socks to America" as their homepage video last weekend.  

Burning podcast episodes to CD: You can still do this, but why not just show folks at your genealogy society...

Sep 10, 2007

Published Sept 10, 2007


I'll be at the Northern Utah Genealogy Jamboree in Ogden this Saturday September 15, 2007.  (Listen to Episode 25)

Gem:  Organizing Your Internet Favorite Bookmarks
To Rename Bookmarked Websites in your Internet Explorer Favorites:

  1. In Internet Explorer click the yellow star...

Sep 5, 2007

Published Sept 4, 2007

Book Announcement:  Genealogy Gems: Ultimate Research Strategies from Season One of the Genealogy Gems Podcast is out of print. Please visit the Genealogy Gems store for current book titles. 

Allen county Library

Newspapers:   The genealogy databases once included in World Vital Records is now...